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  • Lv.1

    A19.1 is now stable… as promised, DF V3.1 is now out! Changes as follows.

    – Updated for A19.1b8

    – Rebalanced M60 and Rocket Launcher so they aren't quieter than a pistol.

    – Edited gun heatmap so screamers aren't called as often.

    – Edited gamestage so MP doesn't ramp up quite as fast.

    – Changed Quality Degradation so items of quality 5 or lower no longer break (they degrade to 1).

    – Reduced harvest amount of both augers by 50%.

    – Slightly reduced XP from mining.

    – Slightly lowered the cost of 44 Magnum AP/HP rounds.

    – Slightly lowered the cost of BOTH gunpowder recipes.

    – Killing a boss zombie SHOULD now remove it's buff on all nearby zombies.

    – Removed the supply crate mod for now since supply crates were buggy in 19.0 anyways.

    – DFalls-XLarge renamed to DFalls-XLarge2.

    – New DFalls-XLarge added with Compo Pack POI's.

    – Increased toolbelt to 15 slot.

    – Impact driver fixed so it can upgrade doors/hatches.

    – Auto turrets now have an unlockedby.

    – Fixed Master Mechanic localization.

    – Fixed amount of health aloe cream heals.

    – Blood Draw Kit now has the 25% chance to remove poison that it was supposed to have in the first place.

    – Removed the supply crate patch since it was iffy, and added contents to the main supply crate instead.

    – Converted all forge recipes to use a new crafting system that doesn't require smelting.

    – Most titanium stuff should now be able to take burning shaft mods.

    – Lowered healing amount of first aid bandages and first aid kit.

    – First aid bandages and first aid kit now instantly add health.

    – Sterile bandages and paramedic kit should now heal other people.

    – Paramedic kit now heals less (but still a good amount).

    – Removed bicycle as a quest reward from the scavenger as a few folks commented that makes it a little -too- desirable as a starting class.

    – Fixed Hugh's “Scrap Tools Crafting” to actually level scrap tool crafting instead of Electric Traps Ranged.

    – Adjusted the Stun Repulsor mod to last a little longer and have a little more force.

    – Lowered “Numnber to Spawn” and “Max Spawned” of the body bags in the small bunker slightly to help prevent hitting max zombie limit.

    – Removed 4×4 and Motorbike parts from the general drop lists.

    – Removed 4×4 and Motorbike parts from trader lists.

    – Removed duplicate and unintended 4×4 and Motorbike recipes.

    – Fixed wooden bow scrapping to iron.

    – Removed TFP's armor encumbrance nonsense that I didn't notice previously.

    – Increased mobility penalty of all armor by 1.

    – Lowered the fittings mods from 2/3 to 1/2 for mobility.

    – The two fittings mods cannot be installed in power armor.

    – Added an Armor Specilization perk to the Security class.

    – Taking “The Completionist” perk will now stop items degrading, if those items are quality level 71 OR HIGHER. Lower still degrades.

    – Increased upgrade/repair speed of the Laser Multi-tool.

    – Laser Multi-tool fixed so it can upgrade doors/hatches.

    – AP/HP coilrounds now use the correct tips.

    – Re-enabled ability for animals to drop baby animals.

    – Potentially fixed the rapid food drain associated with average/good food/drink buffs.

    – Made the new bookshelves less @%$# for loot.

    – Potentially fixed players being able to take “Open Trade Routes” several times.

    – Taza's Spear should be able to take the burning shaft mod.

    – Legendary items (Taza, Msgt Porkins Shotgun, Eriks Hammer, Black Sky) should no longer degrade on repair regardless of skill.

    – Added anvil as a requirement to most iron-level recipes (steel+ still needs crucible).

    – Removed smelt time bonus from the bellows as it is no longer useful.

    – Removed craft time bonus from the anvil as it now has another use.

    – Bellows now reduce craft time.

    – Reduced duration of splinted/cast buffs.

    – Added Myth's patched spawner.

    – Increased bonus damage from mods from 3% to 5%.

    – Pummel Pete should now properly do knockdown on primary attacks.

    – Lowered the noise value of the silenced marksman and sniper rifles so they should be more useful for stealth.

    – Sprains no longer get worse if you run/power attack/aim a weapon.


    Due to quest changes, forge changes and the fact we're going from 19.0 to 19.1, A RESTART/WIPE IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED! You have been warned.













    -DFalls XLarge重命名为DFalls-XLarge2。

    -新的DFalls XLarge添加了Compo-Pack-POI。






























    -AP/HP coilrounds现在使用正确的提示。



















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